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Two Cartoony-Style Cake Designs



A week ago, I had a thought that I always wanted to try designing a cake through Photoshop. So here’s my first cake design drawing, one has the “happy birthday” writing with three candles and another one is for “refine touch” design without the blue sprinkles. Really hope you like the cake designs :)

Would you like have a cake drawing to give your family member or your friend as a birthday card gift?

All you have to do is have commission with me and tell me the details to design the cake (from birthday girl’s or boy’s cake idea wishes). Below the link are the selection and the price.

Image size
3402x1531px 1.17 MB
© 2011 - 2024 ColorfulArtist86
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DisneyBelle1's avatar
wow! this is stunning work my friend *gives hugs*i absolutely love it! FAVE!