Beat with a cookieColorcatcher on DeviantArt

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Colorcatcher's avatar

Beat with a cookie




This is definitely not what I had in mind when I made an emote holding a cookie :lol:

And I really need to find an animation program that supports transparent backgrounds because gifworks doesn't exist anymore. D:

Edit; I said that I'd change it to be a bit faster, but I'm not going to because it isn't much better with a faster frame rate and if I wanted to keep it transparent, it would take too long. :]
Image size
37x30px 7.86 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Colorcatcher
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Waluigi-Prower's avatar
Just to let you know, this emote was chosen as the Daily Emote for EmoteADay on February 16, 2015, and featured here!… :dummy: