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Monopoly night meme



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A normal night in our turf.
Soulin,Alexander and Steven(The buff team) chalanged Cold,Chill(The one throwing moneeeh) and Avery or a.k.a. the slim team to a monopoly match.I just watched.
Of course Soulin got his ass kicked.And my little pet crow call the truth to Soulin.
Soulin:How did she won?She dosen't even know Monopoly......
Cold:Monopoly?That's the name?It is like how i got my mansions and castles.So many moooneeeehhhhh~!
St:*To himself*She didn't even know how to play.....
Me;AAaaaaand in this dark corner we have Soulin who,after a though fight he lost to the newbie Cold by 1 dollar.You needed one more dollar and you would of took her last money!
Sl: TnT
Alexander:SHIT I HAD A BET!
Avery:You owe me 20 dollars.
Me:And you owe me 100 dollars.Plus 35 dollars the pizzas.

You all don't know how much Cold fighted to get the boat piece with Chill.
Image size
539x437px 131.06 KB
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