Branches Brushescocacolagirlie on DeviantArt

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cocacolagirlie's avatar

Branches Brushes



You don't have to but it would be nice if you :+fav: or :+favlove: when you download or use these brushes.

17 High resolution Branches Brushes.

In the pack are also included black & white Jpeg. pictures of each of them.
I hope they are usefull. :D

:bulletblue: please send me a note or leave a comment at this image if used.

:bulletblue:These brushes can be used for prints. You don't need to note me and ask.

:bulletblue: You may NOT repackage and redistribute my resources in any way, shape or form.

:bulletblue: You may NOT plop a brush down onto a plain or transparent background, with nothing else on the page, and redistribute it or sell it. This is the same as redistributing the brushes/images themselves. Placing the brush onto a product or within a design is fine, of course.

:bulletblue: You MAY use my resources within your own design, painting, etc and do whatever you like with it (provided that proper credit is given).
© 2009 - 2025 cocacolagirlie
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