
TWWM ||Aevre's Rescue

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The North Pole today is cold and empty. Rohan thought as him and his friend Sam look out from their cruise boat. They have signed up for this boat cruise in the North Pole since they both loved Artic creatures and it was a relatively cheap vacation as opposed to the other choices they’ve thought of. Perhaps the cheapness is from them visiting the North Pole during the Winter Solstice, since the darkness makes it a bit harder to see everything. Well, maybe Japan next year when we’ve both got enough money, hahaha, at least the Northern Lights are really pretty today.

“I thought we’re going to see lots of penguins…” Sam said in disappointment, still scanning around the ice lands in search of the flightless birds. Sam’s always found of birds of all kind, and not being able to see one of his favorite kind is really a downer.

“Aww, I guess today’s a bad day for it, huh? At least we get to enjoy the really pretty auroras all day!” Rohan replied, patting his friend on the back in support. Honestly he’s also disappointed he couldn’t catch any sight of those adorable penguins, as that’s mostly the reason they even came to this frozen kingdom to see.  

And we got to see some whales the other day though, right? That was fun.” Sam looks back at Rohan and chuckled, “Yeah haha, and remember how you almost fell into the water cause you were so focused on trying to take pictures of them, good thing I caught you huh.” He chuckled, “Honestly, why would you even try to take pictures anyways, it’s so dark out you won’t even be able to get a good shot.”

“Yeah yeah…its not my fault this boat’s made with such short rails…” Rohan complained, hitting the rails in question in anger. Suddenly, the boat rocked forward, hitting an ice block, and Rohan yelped in surprise as he loses balance on the icy floor.

“Oh my god, Rohan, watch out!” Sam yelled, reaching for Rohan’s arms but missed by a centimeter, as his friend tips over the boat and falling out of sight over the side of the boat.

“Rohan!!” Sam stumbles over to the side of the boat where Rohan was a moment ago and looks over the railing. Expected to see his friend in the water struggling, Sam’s eyes widen at the peculiar scene in front of him.

Instead of being in the water, Rohan is caught by a creature of white and standing on top of a nearby ice block. The creature looks to be surrounded by never-ending white mist with what seems like twigs encircling her face.  Rohan is unconscious on its back, but otherwise seems unharmed. The creature looks over at Sam, nodded, and jumps over to a nearby patch of icy land with Rohan on its back.

The movement snapped Sam out of his stupor, and he hurries towards inside the boat to tell the captain to land.

The white esk
, Aevre, is wondering through her Biome, creating frost patterns to entertain herself on her favorite day, the Winter Solstice. She loves making auroras during this day as the night stretches out longer than usual. She looked over towards the sea at a cruise boat slowly passing by, hoping they’re enjoying the auroras she’s making. As usual, she is coated with an invisibility magic, so she isn’t too worried about these human seeing her.

She saw two human conversing with each other at the side of the boat. Must be here to look at the penguins, too bad they’re all away fishing now. She thought to herself, glad that she at least gave them some auroras to look at so they aren’t bored staring at the empty field of ice.

She noticed one of the human is standing really close to the edge of the boat. Something’s wrong. She thought to herself, having had this feeling many times over her lifetime as an esk to know she must follow it and help whoever’s in danger. And as she thought, the boat jolted suddenly due to one of the numerous ice blocks in the water, and the human tripped over the edge of the boat.

Quickly, Aevre rushes towards the edge of the ice, and leaped, just in time to catch the human falling into the icy water, and landed on one of the bigger ice blocks floating around the boat.

Fortunately the human is unconscious; perhaps from hitting his head on the railing before falling off, but either way Aevre is glad she didn’t have to deal with humans experiencing shock at noticing her existence. Well, at least just one will. She thought.

Looking back up the boat, and as expected, the human’s friend is staring at her in shock. She nodded towards them, and leaped back towards the ice land she was just on.

Hopefully the human understood and will come get their friend. She slowly let the human on her back slide down on the ground. She curls around the human to make sure he stays warm while his rescuer comes for him.

As the boat nears the ice where they are, Aevre is sure the human will be safe, and she stands and casts her invisibility cloak again and hides behind a nearby ice rock. She watches the previous human rushes out of the boat to his friend, and lifts him up, along with the help of some other human that came out of the boat. And they started walking back towards the boat.


Take care human, be careful next time! She thought to herself, watching the boat slowly moves away. What an interesting Winter Solstice this year is. She thought.

EDIT: Since I have gotten my first Esk from the wonderful norree (thank you so much <33) this will no longer count for the FTO raffle!!

Just a small drabble I'd imagined when seeing Aevre for the first time today!! I hope one day when I get my Esk, I'd be able to have them meet her too, she seems so nice and definitely a good guardian and friend!

Word count: 956

AP for me: 34
19AP for submitting Creative Writing of 950 words
+5AP Personal Art Bonus
+10AP December FTO Activity

Esk are a closed species created and owned by witherlings
© 2017 - 2024 ClsekBear
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