Blog Spotlight: KaylahClov3r-pwns on DeviantArt

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Blog Spotlight: Kaylah



I've decided that I need to expand my drawing skills to draw something other than avatars from Gaia. Thus, to pay homage to my inspiration - I'm drawing me favorite people from the blogs I read most.

Kaylah over at The Dainty Squid is pretty much my main inspiration for getting back into blogging. She writes so well, that I can feel her personality come through her words. She writes about her thriftiness, exploration, photography, cats and other crafty tutorials. I'm pretty jealous of her tattoos.

I decided to make this one a full-body chibi piece because there's just so much about her I couldn't leave out. She's got some awesome tattoos and it took me at least an hour just to find good photos of them all. Overall this one took me the longest to complete at a whopping 5 hours.

link to Kaylah's blog: [link]
link to my blog: [link]


Wacom Intuos 3.0 tablet
Adobe Photoshop CS5.
Image size
1000x1350px 348.2 KB
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twirler56's avatar
i adore her blog!