why do not you tell meCloudineTibaut on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/cloudinetibaut/art/why-do-not-you-tell-me-601622906CloudineTibaut

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CloudineTibaut's avatar

why do not you tell me




Jeronne has genetic illness, his cough make him pain and blood. Spotty wanna help him with traditional medicine, and take care for him.

continue the experiments with traditional ink with digital color :D

Done with: GIMP
lineart done with the black pen
Texture is (c) to :iconashensorrow:
Art and OC are (c) to ME
Image size
1223x1229px 1.21 MB
anonymous's avatar
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BowserFan1989's avatar
A genetic illness?  Ouch....

Love the expressions here!