Hooded OneClone-Artist on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/clone-artist/art/Hooded-One-214590278Clone-Artist

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Hooded One



New monster for my Doctor Who RPG...
Hooded ones are energy creatures from parallel universe which sustain on emotional energies of living creatures, they have managed to capture The Doctor and now they sistematicaly remove anyone who stand in their way.

Universe only chance to stop this new menace is Doctor... Donna

Visuals foe this is inspired from Dungeon Comics made by Lewis Trondheim.
Image size
754x1600px 330.76 KB
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scythemantis's avatar
I LOVE the big, baggy, eerie eyes of its true form! And I always enjoy extremely non-humanoid beings disguised under humanoid outfits, it's always a fun reveal.