High Priest Not To Be DescribedClone-Artist on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/clone-artist/art/High-Priest-Not-To-Be-Described-157049173Clone-Artist

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High Priest Not To Be Described



I am a great fan of The Cthulhu Mythos, alas my series of the Mythos monsters pieces got lost to time and space...

So here's a new piece - High Priest Not to be Described from the novella The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1926) by H.P. Lovecraft. It's done in pencil, ink and watercolors.

...and there... sat a lumpish figure robed in yellow silk with red and having a yellow silken mask over its face. To this being the slant-eyed man made certain signs with his hands, and the lurker in the dark replied by raising a disgustingly carven flute of ivory in silk covered paws and blowing certain loathesome sounds from beneath its flowing silken mask.

This colloquy went on for some time, and to Carter there was something sickeningly familiar in the sound of that flute and the stench of the malodorous place. It made him think of a frightful red-litten city and of the revolting procession that once filed through it; of that, and of an awful climb through lunar countryside beyond... Then the figured silk slipped a trifle from one of the greyish-white paws, and Carter knew what the noisome High Priest was.
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with these three flutes i i imagine it's one of the forms of the high priest with three tube mouths probably.