THE CLOISTER CATALOGUE CREATURES ///OBSERVE; None of the rights to the creature designs/illustrations in this gallery are currently for sale. //// Non-exclusive publishing rights: $100/creature Don't have a budget? Use 1 to 50 of the Cloister Catalogue Creatures in your product in return for royalties on the revenue/turnover from that product: 1-2 Creatures - 1% royalty 3-5 Creatures - 2% royalty 6-10 Creatures - 3% royalty 11-15 Creatures - 5% royalty 16-25 Creatures - 10% royalty 26-50 Creatures - 25% royalty Make sure to contact me through before you go ahead and publish or use these creatures as concepts. (There is a simple contract to be signed, and a few simple terms.) All Cloister Catalogue Creatures are original concept high resolution images /Nicholas Cloister