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clockwork-zero's avatar

Infrared Garden Path



I wasn't sure where to put this here on Deviant Art. I make my steampunk Jewelry but I also do photography. This is an older photo - but still one of my favorites.
Its a digital Infrared Shot - IR photography is something I did in the days of shooting film - but I have an older Canon G6 that works very very well with an IR Hoya R72 filter. To take them with this camera they need to be shot in RAW. Newer versions of the G-series for some reason dropped RAW - though I think the might have chosen to bring it back. Still, the G-6 by canon remains one of my favorite cameras.

There is a surreal quality to colour IR photos. There is a bit of softness, but also the IR turns the foliage into snowy powder. Here I can imagine fairies and sprites and other creatures lurking just in the spaces beyond our vision.
Image size
1000x727px 386.72 KB
Canon PowerShot G6
Focal Length
7 mm
Date Taken
Aug 28, 2005, 3:12:26 PM
© 2008 - 2024 clockwork-zero
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Anglophiliac's avatar
This is awesome! So is it true that infrared photography is best with older cameras?