I worked for two months in order to pay for a subscription to MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE. When I got my first issue in the mail, MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE #64, it arrived damaged. It had bent corners, and what was supposed to be the top staple had been mis-punched into the book. It was punched four inches away from the spine--at about the center of the book! Was I mad? Heck no! I pulled that staple out, and dived into the issue with gusto! Thing, Stingray and Triton were saving a Roxxon Oil rig from the Serpent Squad! When the pages finally fell out of this comic, I went to the local library and had them bind it for me. They thought I was nuts, I guess. Since I was 10 years old, they didn't even charge me for the binding. I now have a near-mint copy of that book in my collection. It sits quietly behind my well-read and uber-trashed bound copy that I've had since 1980. What a revoltin' development!