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Brisela, the Voice of Nightmares - MTG


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For the Eldritch Moon set of Magic: The Gathering. The uber-baddy Emrakul has come to Innistrad and it's presence has been mutating the bodies and minds of the plane's inhabitants. Including the legendary angels Avarcyn, Bruna and Gisela. While not a "pretty" picture this is one of my favorite recent images. It hits very close to what I had in mind though it did take a lot of time.
Eldritch Moon is introducing the new Meld mechanic that allows you to combine two characters into one with Brisela being the combined mutated angels Bruna and Gisela who I also illustrated so check them out also.
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955x1300px 231.55 KB
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ThatWhichHaunts's avatar

REminds me of Parasite Eve. I love it!