Bard - Dungeons and DragonsClintCearley on DeviantArt

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ClintCearley's avatar

Bard - Dungeons and Dragons



This is one of several pieces I did for the new D&D material coming out soon but the only image released so far. The brief called for a half human, half elf bard. The style guide outlined the looks for the humans, elves and bard class so it was my job to blend the elements and make something new out of it. The cuts and colors of the clothing remain elvish; the heavy fabrics, leathers and metal reflect the human side. The race of elves he's from are rather androgynous, something I was interested in conveying. The pose and black guitar-thing was inspired by the idea that basically he's a medieval fantasy version of a rock star but instead of traveling from city to city to play music he travels around taking gigs to plunder dungeons. Not that different really. The background was left intentionally blank as they needed it that way for layout in the book.     

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Image © Wizards of the Coast
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824x1100px 116.57 KB
© 2014 - 2025 ClintCearley
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saffa89's avatar

i remember this image from the players handbook