Clik-Chan's avatar


Cheyanne King
28 Watchers41 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)
My Bio

Current Residence: the pit of dispair
Favourite genre of music: Most genres...
Operating System: vista
MP3 player of choice: ipod classic
Favourite cartoon character: Zorak
Personal Quote: Long story, inside joke, don't ask...

Favourite Visual Artist
too many
Favourite Movies
LABYRINTH (heh ^_________^)
Favourite TV Shows
Supernatural, Psych, Castle (I have many more I love)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
top3: Gackt, David Bowie, HIM
Favourite Books
Charmed Life, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, TONS MORE
Favourite Writers
Diana Wynne Jones, Shirley Jackson, Tanith Lee, (Many more)
Favourite Games
tetris, MDK
Tools of the Trade
My amazing plushie powers^_____________^
Other Interests

Ho hum...

0 min read
Another long period of non-posts, but oh well. I'm just going to try and post stuff when I can. But, yay! New Supernatural October 7!!!!
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I can't believe I have to wait until Jan 14th to for more Supernatural. Grrrrr! So frustrating. Plus, there wasn't any Crowley in the last few episodes, so its an even longer wait to get to him. The next episode, looks awesome, though. They always come crawling back to Crowley for help in the end. Ha!
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Just saw the new Thor movie today, and it was fantastic of course. Loki was back to his amazingly awesome self. I want to go see it again.On a very related note, I'm planning another Thor fanart. Its will be another long format one, so not sure how soon it will get done. I laugh just thinking about it, though. Just as a hint, its another song based one, sort of like the Crowley in love fanart.I don't think we'll see Crowley in tomorrow's Supernatural, or if we do it will probably be brief. Sad! I hope I'm wrong, but I was very right about not seeing him in last week's episode. Doggy-Dean was pretty funny, though! I am looking forward to se...
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Profile Comments 14

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Happy birthday! :party: :cake: :dance:
thank you for the fav!
You're welcome! ^_^
hey come back plz i luv ur work
dis a new account!!..Y arent u makin more stuff!!!!!! sori but its so cool!!!!!!!..come bak:(
wow u are AMAZING!!:deviation:,i love ur stuff!!especially the one of jack,im new to dis too:laughing:joined yesterday,:+devwatch: wacth me if ya want,il have sum acrilic panitins up soon but not tommorow coz its sunday:laughing: