Hi, I'm alive. A lot of happened for the last few years. But most importantly: I apologize to those I've ghosted, especially @MirChuChu. I don't ask for forgiveness but to give closure.
A quick summary of what happened: I got a new job, a relationship, a better job, no relationship, a better job position, self-improvement, a new relationship.
I fell victim of losing myself for a person in my first relationship, and that included my hobbies and connections to the people close to me (RL and online). Only after the conclusion of a relationship can one reflect the mistakes they've done and admit to it. So please those who are naïve like I was: don't forget what makes you you, and never accept someone who wants you to change (or the reverse, you wanting someone to change). People don't change. They compromise with mutual respect, and make themselves better and open up for each other. Communication, it is soooooooo important and vital to voice your concerns (and praise too!). Talk it