clefchan's avatar


430 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Other
My Bio

Drawing and cosplaying when I'm able to.

Disabled , living with chronic illness.

I draw all my illustrations, sometimes it ask only a couple hours of work, sometimes weeks. I also do cosplay and my own photoshoots.

I'm so fed up with AI on Deviant art.  It's a wonderful tool to level up your skills, I agree, it's fabulous to look for  new ideas and get new insiprations on which  you will  work for hours and bring your own touch and skills .But it's  only good when it's a tool, not when it's remplacing artists and stealing their work and people posting it like they did the whole thing themselves...
it should be banned or  only allowed on  websites reserved to AI

Favourite Movies
jurassic park, Predator , hellboy, aliens movies, riddick, avengers etc...
Favourite TV Shows
Demon slayers, AoT, doctor who, sailormoon,slayers,DBZ,
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Games
monster hunter , Suikoden
Other Interests
Drawing, cosplay, travelling, nature

Nouveau depart

0 min read
Hey hey ! I decided to post more regularly here since the day I discovered I could hide AI content. I feel so much better now. I almost suppressed my account. I think AI is a fantastic tool to improve your own skills and come up with new ideas but claiming to be an artist when the only thing you did is typing a prompt gets me like UUURGHHHH! Anyway... I had a few years without being able to draw much but lately my inspiration has made a come back. So I'll try to be more active. Bonne journée :) Clef
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Coucou! Merci beaucoup pour ton favori ! :)Chouette de rencontrer d'autres Français ici :)

I really love your art! it's awesome👍

Salut !
Tes cosplays sont supers !
Je voulais te demander si je peux en poster quelques-uns sur mon Tumblr, avec le lien vers ta page bien sûr^^

hello  ! désolée pour le temps de réponse, je suis pas trop penchée sur deviant art. pour te répondre: bien sûr.

Ok merci^^ Bonne journée^^

Hello there; Are you still active?
I hope you return :)