Typhlosion Setclearkid on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/clearkid/art/Typhlosion-Set-116674196clearkid

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clearkid's avatar

Typhlosion Set



So here's the subject of my recent tutorial, Typhlosion.

Since you all get tutorials on the technical stuff, I'll rant about the photomanip instead. xD
Yeah, so I wasn't happy with siding background, and the odd sizes make an awkward and long rectangle, so I turned it into what you see now. I'm still looking for the "perfect" layout, something that gives multiple angles and an overall shot as well as detail work (which this doesn't have.) The presentation is half the battle, ya know?
Download for large view btw.

Modeled by ~Zeldaness
Design and photos (c) ~clearkid

For the glory of God!
Image size
2953x2880px 7.24 MB
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