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clearkid's avatar

Typhlosion Hat Tutorial



Patterns: [link]
(Note, all pieces except the eyes have a 1/4" (7mm) seam allowance. Also, the pieces labeled "tape" cut as labeled separately for the outside, and cut one taped together in red for the inside.)

Part I: [link]
Base hat tutorial: [link]

Finished product: [link]

So this isn't the most important tutorial, but I though you might like to see it anyway. Plus you get some bonus patterns from me. :)

Tutorial (c) ~clearkid Please do not re-post this elsewhere, kindly leave a link instead.

For the glory of God!

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650x2465px 2.27 MB
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scoutygirl7's avatar
Thanks so much for this and your other hat tutorials, I used them to make hats for my friends for Christmas and such Husky Emote Is Happy