How to Color Fleece Eyesclearkid on DeviantArt

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How to Color Fleece Eyes



Watch out it's a big file!

Start by making a fleece hat --> [link]

My number one compliment on my hats has to be: "Omg I love those eyes! How do you do that?!" So I thought instead of trying to explain it to everyone that asks, it'd be easier to just point them to this tutorial. :)

Now you too, can have amazing eyes on your hats!

One little tip, don't be afraid to use different colors in your eyes. Here I added yellow to my blue and I even picked blues that ranged from purple-blue to green-blue. If you're doing gold, try adding a little pink and orange, for brown add a little red and green. You'll be amazed how that little extra color can make your eyes come to life!

Tutorial (c) clearkid. Please do not re-post this file, kindly leave a link instead.

Learn more about commissioning me for a hat --> [link]

If you find any errors or if anything is unclear, feel free to post about it here.
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650x3027px 2.96 MB
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SplashinginHappyness's avatar
This an awesome tutorial! Thanks for posting it.