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Cromwell GB 4



The Cromwell was one of the best in the line of ‘Cruiser’ tanks developed by Britain during WW2.  It was similar to the Centaur but had the Meteor engine - a detuned Merlin - nearly doubling it’s power output.

The Cromwell was one of the fastest tanks of the war - capable of 40 mph, but had to be restricted to 32 mph to save the suspension from damage.

The Cromwell was armed with 75 mm cannon and 2 x 7.62 mm machine guns.  It weighed 28 tons and had a crew of five.  The Mk VI had a 95 mm howitzer in place of the main gun.

This example is a Cromwell Mk VI of the British Army 1944.
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1200x800px 197.1 KB
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tankerneo's avatar

I like it! It's a... Simple style (no offense) but detailed is beautiful