8 Facts about Catfish, Tolly and Abraxes

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Tolly - Tagged by Rosedraq
Abraxes - Tagged by Voidtech
Catfish - Tagged by YaminaKakarot

Catfish 945 by Kuku-ri
Catfish 945

1) My first mutated Kukuri - Whiskers. Also my first Floppy Eared kukuri and the reason I am so in love with those ears.

2) Catfish cannot speak - he is mute. He communicates in a series of chirps, whistles and chittering noises. (Or 'blub')

3) He is certainly not shy, and appears to have no inner voice telling him that "hey, that thing looks dangerous. How about we NOT try to chitter at it?". This results in him getting into trouble, or into quite strange and awkward situations.

4) He was once adopted by a moose calf. This didn't phase him at all, but everyone else around him had NO idea why this calf was following him around everywhere.

5) Catfish is the reincarnation of 'bad neighbour'. He is nocturnal and as such is very awake whilst everyone else sleeps. He seems to not realise that others sleep at night and so will burst into rooms, dens, lairs and other places to find others to play with.

6) He REALLY likes tomatoes. Like. Obsessed.

7) Doesn't hold grudges. Takes each day as it comes. Possibly doesn't remember things beyond the present.

8) Terrible memory when it comes to anything. However when it comes to tomatoes, he is able to find exactly where they are, and recall events or memories surrounding the tomatoe encounter.

Tolly 991 by Kuku-ri
Tolly 991

1) Enjoys hunting, not always for food.

2) He is ruthless - when on the scent of his prey (regardless of what that prey is) he will not stop until it is brought down.

3) Frequently comes back with a fresh scar. He takes on opponents which are large and powerful. Small and weak prey or opponents aren't worth his time unless he just wants to play or have some fun with them.

4) Abusive, aggressive and passionate about lovemaking. His partners often leave bruised, possibly with a scar or two depending on how worked up he gets. This doesn't always stop them from coming back. His favorite partners are the ones which leave him with little scars to remind him of them.

5) He trusts no one, even his 'handler' Mortimer he trusts insofar as their goals align and the sick and twisted nature of Mortimer interests Tolly.

6) If you get between Tolly and his prey, he will hurt you. Badly.

7) Tolly was abandoned as a pup (rumoured that he murdered his parents), and as such never learned exactly -what- food is, or -who- he is. This led to him meeting Mortimer as a result of Tolly trying to hunt two other infant kukuri.

8) Tolly, despite not wishing to trust anyone, and being a total 'lone wolf' or 'if you want it done right, do it yourself' attitude (or even just enjoying getting his claws and teeth dirty), he regularly goes out with Mortimer to recruit creatures of similar mind set into Mortimer's Army.

Mature Content

After Battle Combat [ BTT 3 ] by ClarityWind
They are not your prey [ BTT 1 ] by ClarityWind

Abraxes 1235 by Kuku-ri
Abraxes 1235

1) Abraxes is intelligent, calculating and malicious. He hates traitors.

2) He wears a dark cloak which obscures most of his body and face as he walks - outfit typical of the Order.

3) Abraxes walks with a dramatic limp and hunched back. This limp is intentional to throw-off potential attackers as he uses their underestimation of his abilities to his advantage. His prosthetic claw creates a metallic sound as he steps on it, he also uses this for small psychological warfare.

4) He is very secretive and yet full of information. He will disclose this information to those who pay for it, but even then only so much which benefits him or holds his interest.

5) Abraxes robotic hand has a number of functionalities within the fingers. The hand is able to morph into other shapes or reshape itself to reveal picks, hooks and other tools - complete with retractable claws.

6) Despite his robotic leg, he is most dexterous with his legs and feet - preferentially using them to pick up implements, manipulate the world around him, or to tear his opponents to shreds.

7) When in combat, Abraxes looses his mind a little. He resorts to primal instinct as he maims and kills indescriminantly. He hisses violently and his eyes become mostly pupil - giving off a void-black look.

8) Despite all this, he is a Monk of the Order. He takes on assignments on behalf of his Order and follows the teachings and beliefs of this structure. According to his beliefs, he is following a path which will benefit all who follow the Order.


Rosedraq - I am in love with Cant 307 and want to know mooore!
VoidtechLada 1147 is interesting looking and I want to know more about the beebutt
YaminaKakarot - Red Reaper 922 she is caring and loving yet is called Reaper? NEED TO KNOW MORE
Galaxywolves - Iaso 1242 is just beautiful
Jalohauki - Varjelus 727 - spider creep is creepy
tarynsgate - Teigra 281 - beautiful tiger is beautiful...

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TheGreatVescryll's avatar
Great facts all around!
Abraxes is my favorite of the three : o