1026 HBS Dressed in Stone (Yunu)CivettaBlu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/civettablu/art/1026-HBS-Dressed-in-Stone-Yunu-513560993CivettaBlu

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1026 HBS Dressed in Stone (Yunu)



Basic Info.

Official Name: HBS Dressed in Stone
Barn Name: Yunu
ID Number: 1026
Breed: Pure Padro
Age: 9 years old
Gender: Stallion

Height: 14.3 HH
Color: Blue Roan DEER (on Rabicano Sabino) with medium one color speckling
Genotype: Ee aa nR nRb nSb DrDr mednSpk
Eyecolor: Red
Build: Medium
Class: ?
Rare Points: 20
Original Design: Foal Design


Bullet; Pink Base personality
Quiet and shy, doesn't socialize well with others.

Bullet; Pink Querk
Doesn't get along with other horses, and loves to jump fences.

Bullet; Pink Worst fear/spook
When a deer spooks. He is very close to any deer, and if they are nervous, he is nervous.

Bullet; Pink Herd Mentality
He just wants to be left alone, with no intent of bothering anyone.

Bullet; Pink Favorite treat
Fruit, beans.


------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: Nemesis 601
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: Uitwaiien 598
------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: Ruby Red 710
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: NGS Welcome To The Universe 704
------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown

Breeding spots:
13 spots
Bullet; Green Open - Bullet; Red Closed/used - Bullet; Orange Personal use ] 

[1] Bullet; Orange mine
[2] Bullet; Orange mine
[3] Bullet; Orange mine
[4] Bullet; Orange mine
[5] Bullet; Orange mine
[6] Bullet; Orange mine
[7] Bullet; Orange mine
[8] Bullet; Orange mine
[9] Bullet; Orange mine
[10] Bullet; Green Vesperla1731 DSS Black November (www.deviantart.com/deviation/5…)
[11] Bullet; Green  KimboKah
[12] Bullet; Green WildOracleID: 2560 Foal Design
[13] Bullet; Green ZeldaWolf7 

Padro Points

Bullet; Blue See Here


Species © KimboKah 
Design © ZeldaWolf7 
Image size
1753x1270px 525.71 KB
© 2015 - 2025 CivettaBlu
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