Not much I can tell you here. Go look at the art, have fun enjoy yourself.
As for me, I'll keep seeing what I can draw as I leave a slew of sketches lying around anywhere but on this site. Blame the fact that I'd have to name stuff to upload it.
Might be an animator, might be an artist. Who knows. I'm on this site for some reason.
Request stuff. I might draw it. (Just don't get mad if I don't, commissions are guaranteed though. If I ever get actual commissions on this site.)
Favourite Visual Artist
too many to count
Favourite Movies
Zootopia, Sunflowers of the Inferno
Favourite TV Shows
Detective Conan, Samurai Jack, Gravity Falls
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Who knows, I'm not citing them all. I like songs in every genre with the least in rap and metal.
Favourite Books
Redwall series, call of the wild, Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, Keys to the Kingdom
Favourite Games
spyro, kingdom hearts, ape escape, jak and daxter, ratchet and clank, Assassin's Creed, Portal, TF2
Favourite Gaming Platform
any one that has good games on it
Tools of the Trade
Mechanical pencil, several half used sketchbooks and my school notenooks, sometimes my tablet.
Other Interests
reading, playing games, writing, drawing, 2D and 3D animation.