Roku-nin Sorotte!Cidolfus-A-Trahan on DeviantArt

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Cidolfus-A-Trahan's avatar

Roku-nin Sorotte!



I'm not going to go into some long boring headcanon like other artists. (If I were to make a MLP/Sentai crossover comic, this wouldn't be the team or design I'd go with, but I digress)

This was an idea I've had in my mind for a while. Many people have already done crossovers with MLP and MMPR and the like, but I wanted to try and design a set of costumes as if they were inspired by the show.

The biggest thing I've noticed is that when people design Sentai/Ranger costumes is that they make things too complicated, so I went with a simpler design, borrowing the poses from a JAKQ still, thus the helmet design, and taking design cues from Magiranger, Goseiger, and a little bit of Abaranger. I first tried it with the helmet visors being black, but that didn't work with the flow of the design.

The initial line art took about 3 days on and off in my sketch pad with coloring taking about 4 days on and off. I used the drawing to practice coloring with my new Wacom tablet.

Wow, this is the longest description I've ever written for this site. Seeing that I'm uploading that at 2 AM, I should probably stop here and go to sleep.

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3365x2332px 3.03 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Cidolfus-A-Trahan
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J.A.K.Q Blitzkrieg Squad but it's mlp. I'M IN