Warm Up - A ConfessionCianRhapsody on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cianrhapsody/art/Warm-Up-A-Confession-799604130CianRhapsody

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CianRhapsody's avatar

Warm Up - A Confession



Been dealing with shadow banning, view throttling. and having LGBT Conservative friends on Twitter erased from the site.... So I'm pretty upset honestly. Close friends or observant followers already know, from conversations or my personal Twitter lol

Super happy with the expression, the tattoos/arm paint are only a rough draft.

Love you all! Believe what you like, I won't be a jerk if you aren't.
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5848x4656px 9.58 MB
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Soulfest's avatar
It's pretty upsetting when people cancel you because of your political views,
no matter if you're a cis straight or part of the LGBT+ community. 
I hope the situation gets better from here and great work!