Howl at the MoonCianRhapsody on DeviantArt

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CianRhapsody's avatar

Howl at the Moon



Another sketch to later practice painting on~

Andrew "Andy" La'Lune

He has come a long way since I created him. :'3 I'm such a proud OC parent.

A Gay, French, Albino Hacker with Marfan's Syndrome... Parents are drug lords who want him to keep the family line alive by producing an heir. He disagrees. He gets kicked out only to move in with his boyfriend at the time Matthew Urban. The relationship becomes unhealthy and Andy becomes strong enough to pull away. He meets the enigmatic Cory, a hit man, and later Cory's coworker Gamygyn, a fallen angel with a flair for explosives, forging art, and designing weapons. That's where things get really fun~

(Cheesy as it may be, this deviation's name the working title for his story
I think I fixed the jaw)

Cory and Andy by Cians-Sacred-Lair  Andrew LaLune - Redo by Cians-Sacred-Lair 
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4723x6500px 9.13 MB
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