If you don't have time to read the rules, don't use my stock.
General Terms
:bulletblack: Stock must not be uploaded in it's original state
- Must manipulate with more than just a filter/text/colour overlay/recolour
- You MUST manipulate the item OUT of the background and put it on a NEW background (unless scenery stock)
:bulletblack: No Pornographic, Patriotic (flags), Racist or Political pieces using my stock
:bulletblack: Strictly NO LINEARTS
- Please note if you are making a full coloured in digital image (which is allowed), you CAN create a lineart for your own personal use, you CAN'T upload/share the lineart anywhere online."
:bulletblack: No 'Howrse' coats
:bulletblack: You must credit.
- On DA In the description with my icon is preferred
- Off DA must be on the image
:bulletblack: You must send me a link or mention or comment on my front page with a link to your work uploaded on deviant art so I can see (and fav!)
:bulletblack: No creating stock from my stock -