Swordsman029ChuckARTT on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chuckartt/art/Swordsman029-437504046ChuckARTT

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Yeah, I saw the opportunity for color on this one and I just went kinda nuts. Another commission for Ryan Sanders of his Champions Online ( that's a game, right??)  character, you guessed it, Swordsman029.  I liked the design right off the bat and he let me do a pretty cool pose so I had alot of fun with it. 

Next order of business, thank you to the kind people who left their feedback on my last piece! YAY METAL!!!

And the next next order of business, FUCK YOU!! Yes you. You haters hating on the new Thief game. So far its freaking awesome. Truth be told, I purposely haven't read in full any of the reviews of it, but I've seen the shitty scores and all I can say is anyone who gave the new Crapslevania game a better score than Thief can get stuffed. NO. DOUBLE STUFFED!!

I've been with the Thief games since thief one. I grew UP on them shits! And I can honestly say so far it's better than I would have ever thought. They didn't sell out, it's still a thief game and honestly It's the only game I've seriously enjoyed since Last Of Us.

SO thank you eidos montreal for giving me something worth playing!!

Also, I'm prolly gonna up my commission rates, so just a heads up!

Drawn and colored in photoshop CS 5 with my fantabulos wacom companion.
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2621x4397px 2.95 MB
© 2014 - 2024 ChuckARTT
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Blanca0's avatar
his position seems this waddling capoeira