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TMS - Carrying the Stone



X - X - X - X FULL VIEW, PLEASE!!!!! X - X - X - X

Well, I went back and fixed this pick so that it only had stuff from dA. Not of the fun, as I had to redo Harry's armor; I'm happy that it's all legit now, but DAMN my fingers hurt! I modeled it after Eragon's battle armor from the movie Eragon, but it's all mine. IT'S ALL MINE, HAHAHAHA! :mwahaha: Bwahahaha! *silence* Well, me and the stock artist that provided the body/head/position.....:D

This piece is in homage to one of my favorite scenes in Joesphine Darcy's The Marriage Stone, a story that has to be one of the best HP fanfictions out there. [link] NOTE: THIS IS SLASH, SO IF THAT BOTHERS YOU, PLEASE DON'T READ THE STORY. JUST SEE MY PIC. :D -- the relationship takes a backseat to the plot (gets to about chapter 20 before we get any inklings of affection), and you will never guess the plot twists she adds! :giggle:

To avoid the machinations of the Ministry, Harry must marry a reluctant Severus Snape. But marriage to Snape is only the beginning of Harry's problems. Voldemort has returned, and before too long Harry's marriage may determine the world's fate. SSHP. Currently: 77 chapters.


I give permission for this piece to be hosted/posted at the following:


Stock Credits
[link] and [link] by :iconresurgere::iconwroth:, [link] by :iconmarkopolio:, [link] and [link] by :iconrammkitty-stock:, [link] by :iconbreezestock:, [link] by :iconfantasystock::iconconjalpowernet:, [link] by :iconwizarding-stock:
Image size
725x904px 206.54 KB
© 2008 - 2024 chrysanne
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Good job! You did well. But looking at the dragon and Harry reminds me of the story and makes me realize just how much I miss it. I'm still hoping that Josephine resurfaces and puts us all out of our misery...soon!