MF217's avatar


The King of Fools.
395 Watchers


Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • May 9, 1994
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

Eight years, going strong. As far as I've come, I feel I'm wrong.

Perhaps my idol  still proves amazing, and perhaps old people I've watched have long since fallen from grace such as  in my eyes. For me,  seems to be taking a new record for my idol spot here. KaijuSamurai I still have serious respect for though; Bleedman meanwhile can die in a-... Well, actually, to be fair, his own OC PPG Bell is A LOT better than frickin' Bliss from the 2016 reboot. Seriously CN are you just incapable of doing an actual reboot well like how everyone else can?

ANYWAYS, you're probably wondering who I am and why I'm here. Perhaps I've not improved an awful lot since 2015, or maybe even 2016 for that matter. However, there is one thing most people don't give me to much credit for regarding my abilities; my newfound writing capabilities and confidence with making stories, be it fan fic or original work. 2015 marked the year in which things changed for me in this aspect, as Truth and Ideals proved to be my most successful fic I've ever made by that point, and even to this day, the success of my other fics owe a lot to the success of Truth and Ideals.

While my artwork updates have been slow as of this year, it's mostly because of the fact I've been so busy with writing and improving on that front to where it has gotten in the way of my usual drawing schedule. Not only that, but I've neglected to work on some digital artwork as of late because of how much I've been focusing on traditional artwork as you might have noticed. Do I feel bad about this? Of course not; improvement is improvement, no matter how hard you look at it.

So regardless of the fact I've not posted a lot of artwork as of late, I feel like I'm improving more than I have within the past few years. For one I'm once again dating, not going to say who just yet but she has been in my life as a friend prior for 8 years now, and meanwhile my overall mood and happiness could not have been any better as of late. Sure, I've hit some road blocks as of late, but I'm prepared to overcome them whenever I have the chance to prove myself as being a responsible man as I've been trying to do as of late.

Current Residence: Ohio, United States.

Favorite genre of music: Video Game, Orchestral, Overal Epicness.

Favorite artist:  has sure really ascended to even further godhood over the years hasn't he?


Favorite style of art: Anime in some cases, though I do prefer 3D Modeling given how complex that stuff is to work with.

Operating System: Windows 10.

MP3 player of choice: My PSP.

Shell of choice: Bowser's big shell if anything, either that or whatever tech Blastoise has hiding in it's shell.

Wallpaper of choice: Whatever fits the mood.

Favorite animal: Birds.

Favorite live action character: Gipsy Danger from Pacific Rim.

Favorite cartoon character: Mordecai from Regular Show.

Favorite anime character: Kazuma/King Kazma from Summer Wars.

Favorite video game character: Solgaleo from Pokemon.

Favorite live action villain: Lord Zedd from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Favorite cartoon villain: Beast Wars Megatron from Transformers: Beast Wars. Yesssssss...

Favorite anime villain: Freeza from Dragon Ball Z. FREEZA FREEZA FREEZA FREEZA~!!

Favorite video game villain: Bowser from Mario. He always has this natural charm as a villain or playable character that it deems it impossible for me to find any other favorite villain for this category.

Favorite cartoon shipping: Jerlita. I know for a fact Jeremie and Aelita were the ones to make me into the hopeless romantic I am now.

Favorite anime shipping: It's a complete tie between the Canon Sorato, or the fan preferred Taiora. Both have their ups and downs in the fanart I see that I can't possibly chose one over the other.

Favorite Video Game Ship: Ikki and Erika of Medabots. What, you didn't know Medabots was a game franchise to begin with? Then get lost before I Ultrashot yo ass onto the frickin' streets.

Favorite Quote: "My name is Reggie. I'm about kickin' ass, I'm about takin' names, and we're about makin' games."

Favorite summoning enchant: EVERY summon from Bayonetta ever. EVER. The pain that follows never gets old. Never.

YouTube Channel:…

List of Usernames:

-Bowser-The-King (DeviantArt from 5/23/2009 until 1/8/2015)

-Chronicle-King (Second DA username)

-MF217 (YouTube), formerly MightyFan217

-MF217 ( AND DeviantArt)

-Shiramu-Kuromu (Wikia)

-Marty Mollohan (Facebook)

-{ΩαΔ}[ZTV]MightyFan217 (Steam)

-Chronicler (Mabinogi Main, Nao Server)

-Marty (My name as to go along with my 3DS Friend Code: 3695-0507-9451)

-Marty (Ditto as above but for Switch: SW-2833-1633-8314)

-MF217#0306 (Discord tag)

Favourite Visual Artist
Kaiju Samurai
Favourite Movies
Kaiju Films, Animated Films, Disney Films, among various others.
Favourite TV Shows
Too many to list.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sum 41, among others.
Favourite Books
Jurassic Park
Favourite Games
Pokemon primarily dominates my lifestyle. Entirely.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo Systems.
Tools of the Trade
Not even a clue as to what this here means.
Other Interests
Did I mention Pokemon?
Apparently the Search Button is no longer in the Favorites Tab. Annoying for folks like me who have almost 2000 some pages worth of favorites to browse through for anything specific.
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Fuecoco, eh? Wouldn't be surprised if it either loses those limbs and becomes a snake, or grows into a Chinese Alligator, the latter being believed to be the basis for the Chinese Dragon. Regardless of which one it becomes, the idea of the Fire Starters still being based on the Chinese Zodiac is still in play until we see exactly what Fuecoco winds up evolving into between the two animals in question. Sprigatito and Quaxly are going to likewise be interesting to keep an eye on seeing how their evolutions play out. I can imagine either a Smilodon or some other form of prehistoric feline for Sprigatito, but I can't picture where exactly Quaxly is going to go based off of pre-existing elements alone. My mind personally imagines a B-52 take on an albatross but that's about it so far otherwise.
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Ultimate Level for Gammamon? I kind of want to know how popular Canoweissmon is for you guys right now.

10 votes





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Profile Comments 1.2K

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Well I'd love to talk about it, but I apparently am having trouble getting verified by the bot in your Discord server.

MF217 you can create new images of power rangers zord megazord and enemy monsters

thanks on the fav :Dmoer comics to come :3

Hi, do you roleplay?

Thank you so much for the favorite on Red Fixation 1- Dick n Barbara

Makes me really happy that you liked them!

Hi. Would you be interested in my commissions? I accept points and PayPal.