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Vue clouds test1



I was talking to a friend *ExtremeProjects a while back and making comments about how for a more varied and natural-looking aerial Vue render, more than just one layer of spectral ("true 3D clouds" for the un-educated) clouds to fill the sky below the viewer. Here I used three, one forming the commonly seen "carpet of clouds" that filled the bottom. Another forming the isolated towers of bigger clouds that go above eye-level. And another for the small fragments of altocumulus-like clouds above eye level but still seen in front of the tallest parts of the big clouds.

Problem is that Spectral clouds are slow to render, having three type sof them made it worse and so this took over 7 hours to render at 1400x875px... which is a pretty small resolution by my standards. I stupidly left Global radiosity lighting on and used volumetric lighting too, that slowed it by a bit I bet :hmm:

I think the camera was 5km off the ground and the atmosphere aerial perspective was 3.50. Quality boost was only small :p

Still, while the clouds aren't perfect I think it's pretty cool compared to most Vue sky-scenes, see another multi-cloud layer render Vue clouds test2 :floating:

All artwork made and copyrighted by me. Please do not use any of my images without my permission
Image size
1400x875px 549.77 KB
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