Moment of PeaceChromattix on DeviantArt

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Chromattix's avatar

Moment of Peace



This is my entry to the so I herd u liek progress? contest for fan-artists. Where the goal simply is to pick an old fan-art (the more shameful, the better) and remake it with present-day skills to show the improvement. A thumbnail to the original one made about 5 years ago is at the bottom, Try not to focus too much on how awful that is, just how much of an improvement this version is :aww:

So basically the concept had to be the same, so I just drew Cloud resting after what has probably been a long day of keeping Sephiroth at bay :ninjabattle: I think my use of lighting and shadow is stronger now, anatomy a bit too. And I at least tried to use an interesting perspective too that seems more "heroic". No reference was used for the pose or angle either so I had to go out on limb for that :) I was almost going to draw Sephiroth but none of my old Sephy pics seemed worth re-doing.

Update: Changed the angle of his chin to match the rest of the face more due to several comments on that. It was easier to edit that than re-do the whole face.

Original: [link]

update 2 Came second place! :w00t:

Cloud Strife character copyrighted by Tetsuya Nomura, this illustration is made and owned by me. Do not use without my permission
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1100x1358px 678.54 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Chromattix
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MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
This is fantastic!