Hi, I'm Chrissy, a transfem from Germany! (with an outdated DeviantArt name)
I have acquired numerous titles over the years, such as Element of Diamond-shaped Things, El Mago, Master of Chickens, Artistic Supervillain, Artistic Antihero and many more.
I really love to draw stuff and am in fact a trained media designer in digital and print on my long road to maybe one day be able to make my own cartoons.
Everything you find here is free to use as long as you don't just replicate it to claim it as a thing you made. Asking is not required, but appreciated though.
Also, feel free to converse with me to your heart's content, I'm a nice person and I won't bite unless I have a reason to.
Have fun around my premises and mind the interdimensional portals. Don't want any OWCA agents to get lost in the ghost zone.
happy belated birthday
thank you
Do you do Requests?
Depends on the request. I've actually noticed that in recent years, I couldn't really get myself to do requests if I didn't really want to do them. I know it sounds selfish and it sucks, but I at least still wanna hear ideas out at the off-chance it is something that piques my interest. So feel free to lay out your suggestion to me, but I can't guarantee anything.
Do you Like The Simpsons?
They're cool. I used to watch them when I was younger, haven't watched them again in quite a few years though. Still, go on.