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Christmaslolly's avatar

A Seals best friend



Please Full Veiw!

I hope this is in the right category...

Anyways, this is for a special friend, `tobyf! Not only is his character adorable, but he himself is grand. :aww: He deserves many things, but I'll just start it off with a picture. ;P

I decided that I don't like outlines very much in Open canvas..I don't outlines tend to cramp things, so I wouldn't look forward to any colored pictures with outline in my galley if I were you. ;P I perfer to do my lineless, furry style of pictures. They're much more fun anyways.

Oh, and I look forward to comments that talk about the background. I'm not very good with backgrounds yet, soooo critiques would be honored. :aww: My reference on the mountains was this: [link] but erm...they look nothing like my mountains. But I wasn't exactly trying to copy them exactly though, I just wanted some reference. ^^; I hope you guys like it. :aww:

Toby is copyrighted respectfully to himself. :aww:

Edit: I just redid a few details, and added a needed copyright on the picture.
Image size
670x870px 308.81 KB
© 2005 - 2024 Christmaslolly
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blue-flame-kitsune's avatar
I did it to al now it's your turn c: fav rape time C: (exceptforthosethatarestored)

I'm sorry but I just can't help myself, you al and the others are friggen epic (whileimjustacrapper) c: