Who am I?
I am a Christian, a follower of Christ.
What am I about:
I'm about using my artwork in a positive way, in a way that would please my heavenly father... because I don't believe that this talent I have is all my own...
Sooo feel free to look around! I hope you like what you see...
Current Residence: My SkEtChBoOk Of PuFfy PiNk ClOuDs Of WoNdErMeNt
Favourite genre of music: ChristianRock, J-pop
Favourite style of art: Manga or Impressionism
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7
Shell of choice: The Ghost inSide
Skin of choice: umm... Skin?
Favourite cartoon character: TOO MANY!!
Personal Quote: IN order TO be STRONG you MUST be BROKEN before GOD.
I would like your permission to use your Robin Williams Tribute picture in a Tribute slideshow I'm making for YouTube, if you say no I understand.