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The Five Crowns

  1. The Watcher’s Crown (a Crown of Righteousness), given to all who longingly and desiringly watch for Christ’s return (2 Timothy 4:8).

  2. The Runner’s Crown (an Incorruptible Crown), for all who strive for the mastery by keeping bodily appetites under control and being temperate in all things (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

  3. The Shepherd’s Crown (a Crown of Glory) reserved for faithful ministers (1 Peter 5:1-4).

  4. The Soulwinner’s Crown (a Crown of Rejoicing), for those who bring others to the Saviour (1 Thessalonians 2:19; Psalm 126:5, 6; Luke 15:5, 6, 7, 10).

  5. The Sufferer’s Crown (a Crown of Life), for those who have suffered for the sake of Christ and the gospel (James 1:12; Matthew 5:10-12). It is also given to those who are faithful unto the end (Revelation 2:10).

Seriously, when the Bible was transliterated/translated, why did they use the word heavens and not the word galaxies? Because they didn't know about galaxies yet? Why do all these End Time preachers want to attribute the boils, etc., to nuclear war when it may just be exposed nuclear waste from the Polar Shift which causes the Great Earthquake. (Of course, after the exposure/contamination, the countries will be scrambling for unexposed land and food/crops, etc.. The Famine.) We also of course won't be around for that because we will be Raptured or "beamed up" by God with His advanced technology i.e. knowledge of science that He's manipulated thru the centuries while popping angels/aliens/advanced robotics within spaceships in and out of wormholes - beginning and end - to do His bidding. No wonder God created humankind - He was starved for love being around those advanced robotic angels that He made to take care of all needs. Except His need for love. Can't you just feel how ripe the time is?
So, since we are having a quarentine in most of the countries many churches are closed, but some are having virtual meetings
Check it out, im sure it will help you to stay conected to God during these days:…