Undercover Angelschrisnfy85 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/chrisnfy85/art/Undercover-Angels-131288588chrisnfy85

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chrisnfy85's avatar

Undercover Angels



this is the illustration i done for a CHRISTIAN novel cover.......UNDERCOVER ANGELS CHROCNICLES vol 1.......i think gonna do another 2 covers for them afterward.......hahahha.....i really enjoy and learnt alot through the process......

it actually split into 2......front cover is at the angels part....and in case u don see it, i actually use the color to seperate the 2 angels side.....the upper part of the sky is corrupted bcos of the fallen angel......haha...just a very simple effects to show the contrast.....

anyway, hopw u guys like it......

done in painter 11 and photoshop.....

Copyright and Commissioned for Elliot Dylan, Undercover Angels: [link]
Image size
3450x2550px 3.94 MB
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rodrigoayam's avatar
It is awesome like the second one, :) (Smile)