Swimming RaptorChrisMasna on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chrismasna/art/Swimming-Raptor-303983938ChrisMasna

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Swimming Raptor



-Little Patagonic Fisher-
Buitreraptor crossing a creek. Although these animals spend most of their lives near the water, feeding on fishes the same way than herons or storks, they're not specialized for swimming (no skin membranes between the toes)...let's hope there are no crocs around!

About Buitreraptor gonzalezorum: With an estimated lenght of 1.2m, a height of 0.4m and a weight of 5kg, this guy is a small member of the weird unenlagiinae family.

Based in :iconscotthartman:'s skeletal drawing and :iconyoult:'s comment: fav.me/d50b9vj

---> Process: fav.me/d5115a5 <---

I enjoyed a lot painting this, and I strongly recommend these leaf brushes I recently discovered fav.me/d4mwyh6
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