Ladies and gentlemen: Yutyrannus hualiChrisMasna on DeviantArt

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Ladies and gentlemen: Yutyrannus huali



Behold the beautiful feathered tyrant.

Small reference sheet of this new dinosaur discovery of 2012.

Why is Yutyrannus sooo important?
-Because is the biggest feathered animal known.
-Because it is a Tyrannosaur, what means that other member of the group had feathers, too (T. rex included).
-Because a fluffy Tyrannosaur is awesome, and I'd like to cuddle it.

About the size comparison between both dinosaurs (yes, the sparrow is a dinosaur too), I made a sub-adult Yutyrannus, wich skull is about 80cm long, while the sparrow total length is about 16cm.
I used as reference the specimen ELDM V1001 as it was drew by *shartman ( [link] ). However, the size of that skull (63cm), the one you will see in google, belongs to a young animal, while the biggest (ZCDM V5000) has an estimate length of 90.5cm.

How I paint tutorial: [link]
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1976x1456px 1.38 MB
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