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ChrisCold's avatar




Part of a story i'm working on right now.
It is a very slow process, although I have no idea how long it usually takes to write and paint graphic novels, but i'm trying to speed things up anyway :P

Also, maybe some of you guys can suggest a few novels to me, i'm trying to read as many as possible to get a feeling for it. I prefer to read only fantasy for now because mine own will be in the fantasy genre and i dont want to be influenced by sci-fi or anything. But if it's just something mind-blowingly awesome i'll read it even if it's not fantasy :P


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© 2010 - 2024 ChrisCold
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runique's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

It is a bold choice to paint against the backdrop of the moon as of course this has been done countless times before and so you need to execute it perfectly. Which is exactly what you've done.

There is a real sense of menace about the main figure. The hand gesture seems to indicate he is beckoning and the expression would indicate his intent is far from good. The way you have managed to get expression into the figure given a very limited range of values and palette is very clever.

The robes / dark morass that make up the body of the figure have a wonderful sense of movement which also reinforces the feeling that someone or something is being drawn to him probably against their will.

I think the widescreen format works very well for this image as again it reinforces the overall movement and sense of space in the composition. The blurred globules of blood (I assume) in the foreground are a very nice touch and help give a real sense of dimension to the whole piece.

Overall a top piece of work and if this is an indication of the quality of artwork in the rest of your graphic novel I am sure it'll be a wonderful read!