Favourite Visual Artist
Tough one. I appreciate all artists nowadays because we're all in it for the same purpose - to strengthen ourselves, to carve a name out for ourselves, and hopefully get famous in the process
Favourite Movies
Citizen Kane - a story about a man who became what he hated, and lost it all - a lesson to us all.
Favourite TV Shows
I actually don't watch a whole lot of television anymore. I'm more of a Youtube guy, which I think counts noawadays
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band
Favourite Books
Nightfall by Isaac Asimov
Favourite Writers
JRR Tolkein, Isaac Asimov
Favourite Games
Halo: Combat Evolved - the game that got me to want to write science fiction
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Wacom Intuos i5 tablet w/ stylus
Other Interests
Discussing any matter from politics to astronomy. I like talking to people about interests to get to know them. I remember people best by their personalities I have found
I would say that it's probably Unleashed.