Gothel Forgot To Buy Moisturizing Cream AgainChopfe on DeviantArt

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Gothel Forgot To Buy Moisturizing Cream Again



I remember the day when I first saw the trailer for Disney's 2010 animated film TANGLED. Unfortunately, it was through John Kricfalusi's wretched hive of a blog. Keep in mind, this was back in high school - my awkward phase of taking any opinion on cartoons seriously, whether it be from Nostalgia Critic or John K. Those were certainly some....interesting days! ;)

Anyways, John K's post on the trailer (which you can read below for shits and giggles!) was your typical rant from him - blah blah blah, 'cartoons that aren't Clampett's or my own are evil', you get the idea. And looking back at the trailer, it did seem like Disney's attempt to try bank in the Dreamworks marketing formula (rock music playing in the background, emphasis on hip dialogue fer the kids, etc.). It wasn't until later from initial reviews from other critics that I learned that the film was more of a throwback to the classic Disney films of yesteryear. 

I was still skeptical thanks to John's rant, but once I saw the movie in theaters, I immediately fell in love with it. It is now one of my fave Disney films of the modern era. I love everything from the story and characters to the songs and animation. The ending where Rapunzel tries to save her true love was a BIT sappy, but I can't be too hard on it when the rest is so good. FROZEN may have kicked Disney back into massive popularity again, but I feel that TANGLED was always the better movie. It was definitely a stepping stone to help the studio find their groove with CGI films. 

Special kudos goes to Mother Gothel for being one of the last good villains in a Disney film - seems like nowadays they focus on making the identity of every baddie a secret until near the end. Sometimes you just want to watch a villain be delightfully bad, and Gothel certainly fits the bill and had the best song in my opinion ;)

Sorry for the long description, I just wanted to share my personal experience with the film. And if you enjoyed my rambling post, then it wasn't for naught! The moral of the story today: Never listen to John Kricfalusi :lol:

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“She chose, poorly...” - Holy grail knight.