OHJOYJOY RAMADHAN - MM entryChocoreaper on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chocoreaper/art/OHJOYJOY-RAMADHAN-MM-entry-137389225Chocoreaper

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Contest entry fof :iconmuslim-manga:.
Read their journal for more info... but yeah, basically its juz about what Ramadan means to you. HEY CMON PEEPLE ITS THE HOLY MONTH... n HON FREAKIN SCHEIZEN IT'S ALMOST OVER!!! *rushes*

So yeah... basically because of the rules of fasting, kids won't enjoy the month at all due to some restrictions. Then again, there still are some visible ups during this month, ones that kids can obviously see (n not mentally/spiritually) so they can enjoy the month better...
...DAHH I PHAIL *facepalm**facedesk*

AAHAHAH USTAZ-SAN!!! Lol no im not Wapanese, Im juz playing around since it's Muslim-Manga n the style is anime.
baww Chibi Japan made a cameo!!:iconchibijapanplz:
As for the characters... they're no one in particular. Juz random kids you see in Indonesian neigborhoods everyday, I think... cept the Ustaz looks like he's mix-blooded. LOLGREENEYES.

GWAHH YES cuz the concept is religious im not allowed 2 use vulgar words in here XD

Pardon me if I'm THAT lame.
This goes to all those kids out there who r learning to fast on Ramadan XDXDXD
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halomaster12345's avatar
 this is amazing, i would most definitely show this to my boyfriends little sister's,  atamanaa lak yawmaan saeidaan