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chocolatepuppy's avatar

Frames Hold No Boundaries



I like it. Not totally satisfied... seems to have something missing.... I don't know. But it'll do. Who knows, maybe in a few years I'll reload it with something different :XD:


Main background- :iconenchanted-stock: [link]

Other 'frame' backgrounds:
Sunset background in wooden frame- :iconrogue-stock: [link]

Mermaid/moon background- :iconcb-stock: [link]

Background with crawling girl- :icongothicshade: [link]

Bedroom "black and white"- :iconcamaryn-wallpaper: [link]

"Orange" background- :iconshudder-stock: [link]

Beach background- :iconlottestock: [link]

Window for midldle puppy- :iconskittles52stock: [link]

Flower background for puppies- :iconlylicagalatea: [link]

Pillow background for puppies- :icongri3v3r-stock: [link]

"Orange" frame- :iconwojtar-stock: [link]

Beach frame- :iconlillyfly06-stock: [link]

Bottom wooden frame- :icontesiamese: [link]

Bottom gold frame- :iconilargi-stock: [link]

Bottom purple frame- :iconminystock: [link]

Top corner silver frame- :iconlill-stock: [link]

Long wooden frame- :iconanilestock: [link]

Gold circular frame- :iconsockmonkeystock: [link]

"Black and white" frame- :iconnv-stock: [link]

Objects in Frames
Girl/Mermaid in gold circular frame- :iconfiori-di-ofelia: [link]

Girl sitting with sunset- :iconsitara-leotastock: [link]

:iconblacksockstock: for girl crawling out of frame- [link] and for girl with sunset- [link]

"Black and white" couple- :icongracies-stock: [link]

"Orange" guy- :iconjustinbyerline-stock: [link]

Beack couple- :icontacostock: [link]

:iconalinepotter-stock: for basket of puppes far right- [link] puppies far left- [link] and middle puppy- [link]

Male angel- :icontigg-stock: [link]

Anything Else...
:iconmmp-stock: for jewel on Mermaid's shoulder- [link] and for left jewel in her hair- [link]

Jewel in Mermaid's hair on the right- :iconsaikochan-stock: [link]

.... :faint: =P
Image size
1372x1072px 1.26 MB
© 2008 - 2024 chocolatepuppy
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Ed-weirdo's avatar
HELLO! A wonderful image!! May I ask A Question? I've been wanting to get this 3D "Popping Out" effect for some time. Could you pass along some hints? You do it VERY WELL!!