Current Residence: San Diego (PB Baby!) Suck on that!
Favourite genre of music: Hard Rock/Metal/Techno or Hard Rock Metal Techno
Favourite photographer: Me, of course.
Favourite style of art: Whatever is inspiring at the moment.
Operating System: Win XP. If I could get away with it, Id go old school and use Win 98, just for the crashes alone.
MP3 player of choice: I dont have an MP3 player. I beatbox and save money that way.
Shell of choice: Um...I think that would be Michelle as my choice.
Wallpaper of choice: One that doesnt make my room look small.
Skin of choice: All kinds. Im anti-racism.
Favourite cartoon character: Bender or Homer. Anything that ends in "er" is good.
Personal Quote: If you wanna be seen, stand up. If you wanna be heard, speak up. If you wanna be respected, SHUT UP!