+Phoenix Wright+ Comic - 2Chinchikurin on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chinchikurin/art/Phoenix-Wright-Comic-2-173919720Chinchikurin

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+Phoenix Wright+ Comic - 2



OH YEAH! 2 YEARS LATER!! Quick aren't I?

I saw that the first one was getting a lot of attention and didn't think it was fair that I said I would continue and didn't XD Subsequently...I forgot what the original second part was, so this is something I thought up very quickly :D

This actually started as a remake, but I thought a continuation would be better XD I don't think it's quite as funny...but the art is much better :D

Part 1: [link]

Melon Girl(C)Me
Backgrounds and some references from "Court Records".
Image size
1000x2243px 1.55 MB
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nikcatia's avatar
Did she acutely mean it in the Nicks way xD?