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ChillyPluto's avatar

[P2U- 40 POINTS] Canine Anthro Base w/ Variations



yeah yeah you can make edits and shit idc!! Don't remove my sig tho! You don't have to but I'd love to see what you guys do with this tbh!!!

Comes with wings, tails, horns, antlers, a halo, and a floaty crown and collar variations all for just 40p!!!

You may only use this base if you don't touch my signature and pay for the resource. Otherwise, it will be
considered theft and be resulted in a blacklist. You can use the base for references, base customs, and whatever other types of adopts as long as you don't try to resell or claim the base itself.

Image size
1620x1550px 333.33 KB
© 2020 - 2024 ChillyPluto
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lNjorkl's avatar
the dots of the exclamation marks look like nipples uvu