Lulu Luvscats Channel ArtChikoritaLuv on DeviantArt

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Lulu Luvscats Channel Art



I decided to make some art for my YouTube channel, so I figured I'd post it on here as well! I put all my favorite characters from various sources into this picture:

From left to right:

Sailor Mercury (from Sailor Moon, representing my love for anime)
I. M. Meen (from I. M. Meen, representing my YouTube Poop hobby)
Creeper (from Minecraft, representing my love for video games)
Lulu (myself)
Fluttershy (from My Little Pony, showing that I'm a pegasister)
Bubbles (from The Powerpuff Girls, my favorite TV show as a kid)
Chikorita (my very first Pokémon, and my favorite)
Image size
875x516px 336.82 KB
© 2014 - 2025 ChikoritaLuv
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Mjfsuperstar92's avatar
Why is he touching your boob ._.