KUOS - Windows 7 EnhancedChiEkku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chiekku/art/KUOS-Windows-7-Enhanced-145868983ChiEkku

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KUOS - Windows 7 Enhanced


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READ THIS: I've said it many times before that I'm not offering this for download yet, so please don't ask. I'm thrilled (thrilled!) you all like this, but it's just not done yet

***UPDATED 2/28/2011 5:04 PM***

Long time since a new screenshot.
Wallpaper: [link]

In the process of making a WindowBlinds skin, both per pixel and UIS2 (finally); it will be modeled after the Inspirat style, with translucent black slate. Still in the concept and image design stage, sketching some things out in CorelDRAW.


See more of my work here -> [link]

You know what I hate? Clutter. Icons all over the place. An interface so bland that my eyes bleed. Anything pointless must go, or at least be hidden. My OS must suit me down to the last detail; I should have an eyegasm when I look at my screen. That's where this comes in :3

KUOS is the name of the project; it's a portmanteau for "ChiEkku Operating System". I'm ChiEkku, obviously, so it made sense to name it this way (for me, heh).The goal is to design interfaces specifically for my needs, while also looking really, really pretty. It's a side project I've been working on in my spare time, usually when I should be studying (hurr hurr). As I have multiple monitors connecting to my tower, it's helpful for me to monitor the system while playing a game, rendering a graphic, or for plain "hmm, that's interesting" novelty.

tl;dr it's a productivity suite, a harmony of looks and functionality

KUOS - "It's Eyegasmic!™"


Programs used in this suite (now with links):

- Samurize [link]

- Winstep Nexus (weather) [link]

- RocketDock (the 4 HDD icons) [link]

- UberIcon (zoom effect for Explorer navigation) [link]

- CircleDock (dock around mouse) [link]

- Windows Startbutton Changer [link]

- Stardock CursorFX [link]

- Display Fusion (multi-monitor wallpaper support) [link]

If I didn't list a gadget or feature you want to know about, let me know.
Image size
1680x1050px 1.19 MB
© 2009 - 2025 ChiEkku
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Where is the link to download this theme...??